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1. I will endeavour to get the remainder of these poems. Back.
2. horrowe, unseemly, disagreeable. Back.
3. heckled, wrapped. Back.
4. lemes, rays. Back.
5. hulstred, hidden, secret. Back.
6. gerd, broke, rent. Back.
7. drybblets, small pieces. Back.
8. twyghte, pulled, rent. Back.
9. defs, vapours, meteors. Back.
10. emblaunched, whitened. Back.
11. reles, ridges, rising waves. Back.
12. uncouthe, unknown Back.
13. denwere, tremour. Back.
14. knopped, fastened, chained, congealed. Back.
15. lisseth, boundeth. Back.
16. boleyng, swelling. Back.
17. burled, armed. Back.
18. compheeres, companions, Back.
19. gledeynge, livid. Back.
20. chirkynge, a confused noise. Back.
21. uncted, anointed. Back.
22. lemed, enlightened. Back.
23. leggende, alloyed. Back.
24. salvage unthewes, savage barbarity. Back.
25. mysterk, mystic. Back.
26. lymmed, polished. Back.
27. paramente, a princely robe. Back.
28. halceled, defeated. Back.
29. bykrous, warring. Back.
30. alyche, like. Back.
31. swotie, sweet. Back.
32. eft, oft. Back.
33. fage, a tale. Back.
34. gemoted, assembled. Back.
35. bewrecke, revenge. Back.
36. enchafed, heated, enraged. Back.
37. mittee, mighty. Back.
38. gratch, apparel. Back.
39. regrate, esteem, favour. Back.
40. emmertleynge, glittering. Back.
41. pyghte, settled, Back.
42. ele, help. Back.
43. empryze, adventure. Back.
44. meint, many. Back.
45. gye, guide. Back.
46. harried, tost. Back.
47. astounde, astonish. Back.
48. limmed, glassy, reflecting. Back.
49. leggen, lessen, alloy. Back.
50. houton, hollow. Back.
51. bysmare, bewildered, curious. Back.
52. ywrynde, hid, covered. Back.
53. bawsyn, huge, bulky. Back.
54. ysped, dispatched. Back.
55. roddie levynne, red lightning. Back.
56. dernie, cruel. Back.
57. lemes, flames, rays. Back.


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