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Gerard's Herbal Vol. 5

Gerard's Herbal - CHAP. 125. Of the Strawberry Tree.

CHAP. 125. Of the Strawberry Tree.

Fig. 2092. Strawberry Tree

The Description.

The Strawberry tree groweth for the most part low, very like in bigness to the Quince tree (whereunto Dioscorides compareth it.) The body is covered with a reddish bark, both rough and scaly: the boughs stand thick on the top, somewhat reddish: the leaves be broad, long, and smooth, like those of Bay, somewhat nicked in the edges, and of a pale green colour: the flowers grow in clusters, being hollow and white, and now and then on the one side somewhat of a purple colour: in their places come forth certain berries hanging down upon little long stems like unto Strawberries, but greater, without a stone within, but only with little seeds, at the first green, and when they be ripe they are of a gallant red colour, in taste somewhat harsh, and in a manner without any relish; of which thrushes and blackbirds do feed in winter.

The Place.

The Strawberry tree groweth in most countries of Greece, in Candy, Italy, and Spain, also in the valleys of the mountain Athos, where, being in other places but little, they become great huge trees, as P. Bellonius writeth. Iuba also reporteth, that there be in Arabia of them fifty cubits high. They grow only in some few gardens with us.

The Time.

The Strawberry tree flowereth in July and August, and the fruit is ripe in September, after it hath remained upon the tree by the space of an whole year.

The Names.

This tree is called in Greek, Komaros, in Latin, Arbutus: in English, Strawberry tree, and of some, Arbute tree.

The fruit is named in Greek, Memaikylon, or as others read it, Memakylon: in Latin, Memęcylum, and Arbutus; and Pliny calleth it Unedo: Ground Strawberries (saith he) have one body, and Unedo much like unto them, another body, which only in appearance is like to the fruit of the earth: The Italians call this Strawberry Albatro: the Spaniards, Madrono, Medronheyro, and Medronho: the French, Arboutes, Arbous: It may be termed in English, Tree Strawberry.

The Temperature and Virtues.

A. The fruit of the Strawberry tree is of a cold temperature, hurting the stomach, and causing headache; wherefore no wholesome food, though it be eaten in some places by the poorer sort of people.

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