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Reading a Chained Bible from A Popular History of England, by Charles Knight, 1854

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Clergyman at a bookseller's, by Claude Gillot

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The Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, King of the Beggars

The Anatomy of Melancholy, By "Democritus Junior" (Robert Burton)

The Art of Fascinating, By Lola Montez


The Baiting of the Great Bull of Bashan, by Richard Overton

The Batrachomyomachia, or Battle of the Frogs and Mice, by Pigres of Halicarnassus

The Black Book, by Thomas Middleton

The Bloody Vision of John Farley, by Arise Evans

Bonnie Annie Laurie, by William Douglas

The Book of Household Management, by Mrs. Isabella Beeton

The Brotherly Request of those that Are Called Diggers - A Letter to Colonel Fairfax


Camden's Britannia

Casabianca, by Felicia Hemans

The Cats/Les Chats, by François-Augustin Paradis de Moncrif

Chevy Chase

The Coleen Bawn

The Complete Cony-catching, by Robert Greene

The Consolation of Philosophy, by Boethius

The Courtier's Library, by John Donne

A Counterblast to Tobacco, by King James VI of Scotland and I of England

The Covent Garden Calendar

Christmas Day in the Workhouse, by George Sims


The Devil on Two Sticks by A-R. LeSage

Death's Duel by John Donne.

A Declaration of the Grounds and Reasons (Wellinborrow)

A Declaration of the Grounds and Reasons (Iver)

A Discourse on Pirates, by Captain Henry Mainwaring

The Diary of a Lover of Literature, by Thomas Green

The Discovery of the Great Enmity of the Serpent against the Seed of the Woman, by  William Duesbury


English as She is Spoke, by Pedro Carolino and Jose da Fonseca


A Fiery Flying Roll, by Abeizer Coppe

The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women by John Knox

A Frenchman's Walk in Ireland, by The Chevalier De Latocnaye

Foxe's Book of Martyrs


Gerard's Herbal

Gil Blas by A-R LeSage, Trans. B H Malkin

Gossip in a Library , by Edmund Gosse

A Groat's Worth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance by Robert Greene

The Guardian Angel, by Paul de Kock


The Hasheesh Eater, by FitzHugh Ludlow

Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies

The History of the Human Heart

The History of Ireland by Geoffrey Keating

The History of King Richard the Third, by Thomas More

The History of Pompey the Little, by Francis Coventry

A History of the Protestant Reformation in England, by William Cobbett.

Hudibras by Samuel Butler

The Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Poliphilus' Dream of Love) , by Francesco Colonna


The Ingoldsby Legends, by The Rev. Richard H. Barham


Johnnie Cope, by Adam Skirving


Knocknagow, by Charles Kickham


Lilliburlero, by Thomas Wharton

The Lamb's Officer is Gone Forth with the Lamb's Message, by George Fox

Lives and Anecdotes of Misers, by F. Somner Merryweather

The Life of John Buncle, by Thomas Amory.

The Life of Beau Nash, by Oliver Goldsmith.

The Life of Pico della Mirandola, by Thomas More et al.

Light Shining In Buckinghamshire, by Gerrard Winstanley

London Guide for Strangers

London's Liberty in Chains Discovered, by John Lilburne

Love and Business, by George Farquhar

Love and Madness, A Story too True, by Herbert Croft


The Martyrdom of Man, by Winwood Reade

Master Humphrey and Mr. Pickwick, by Charles Dickens

The Masterpiece, and other works of "Aristotle, the Famous Philosopher"

The Memoirs of Jozef Boruwlaski, The Last Court Dwarf

The Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington

The Memoirs of James Freney

TheMemoirs of Mrs. Margaret Leeson

TheMemoirs of Psalmanazar

The Merrythought, or Bog-House and Glass-window Miscellany, by "Hurlothrumbo"

The Metamorphosis of Ajax, by Sir John Harington

A Mite Cast into the Common Treasury, by Robert Coster

Monro His Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment called Mac-Keys, by Robert Monro

A Modest Defence of Public Stews, by Bernard Mandeville

The Mournful Cries of Many Thousand Poor Tradesmen

Mrs. Cromwell's Kitchen


A Narrative of the Spanish Armada and His Adventures in Ireland, by Captain Francesco de Cuellar

The Necromancer, by "Lorenz Flammenberg" (Karl Friedrich Kahlert)

The Newgate Calendar

Nugae Antiquae, by Sir John Harington


The Octave of Claudius, by Barry Pain

Out of the Hurly Burly by Max Adeler



The Pilgrims of Avignon, by John Wright and William Bryan

The Poems of John Skelton

The Collected Poems of Richard Griffin

The Poetical Works of Ossian, by James Macpherson

Poliphilus' Dream of Love (Hypnerotomachia Poliphili), by Francesco Colonna

The Prince on St. Patrick's Day, by Leigh Hunt


The Quakers' Spiritual Court Proclaimed, by Nathaniel Smith


Radical Pamphlets from the English Civil War

Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, edited by Thomas Percy

The Resurrection of the Witnesses, by Mary Cary

A Rout, a Rout, by Joseph Salmon

The Rowley Poems, by Thomas Chatterton


Sally in our Alley, by Henry Carey

The Sands of Dee, by Charles Kingsley

Scepsis Scientifica, or the Vanity of Dogmatizing, by Joseph Glanvill

A Second Fiery Flying Roll, by Abeizer Coppe

His Second Part Of His Theous-Ori Apokolipikal, by TheaureauJohn Tany

Selected Works, by Eliza Haywood

The Serpent's Subtlety Discovered, by Ambrose Rigg

The Shepherd Swaine

The Silver Fox, by Edith Œnone Somerville and Martin Ross

A Single Eye, by Lawrence Clarkson

Slipper's ABC of Fox Hunting

The Song of the Shirt, by Thomas Hood


Stories by Catulle Mendès

Studies in the Art of Ratcatching, by H. C. Barkley


That Rasval Gustave, by Paul de Kock

The Three Imposters,  by Prince Don Juan Manuel

A Tour in Ireland in 1775, by Richard Twiss

A Tour in Lapland, by Carolus Linnæus

A Transcendent Spiritual Treatise, by John Reeve & Lodowick Muggleton

The True Story of John Carteret Pilkington

The True Story of the Colleen Bawn, by Richard Lloyd Fitzgerald

Tyranipocrit Discovered


Ultra-Crepidarius, by Leigh Hunt and William Hazlitt


Vagabondiana, by John Thomas Smith

The Vicar of Bray


A Woe against Kendal, by Francis Howgill


Man Descended from Monkey!, by Georges Pilotell, 1871

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