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Stop! My Book! Bookplate of Rudolph Benkard, by W.S., 1895

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The Ex-Classics Web Site

The Reader, by Alexander Ver Heull (c. 1880)

In Preparation  

  • The History and Chronicles of Scotland, by Hector Boece.
    This was the first complete history of Scotland to be written. Hector Boece (1465–1536) compiled it from earlier chronicles and published it in Latin in the year 1527 as Historia Gentis Scotorum, (The History of the Scottish People.)  It was a major source for Holinshed's Chronicles, mined by Shakespeare for his story of Macbeth.  In 1536 it was translated from Latin into Scots by John Bellenden; there is also a French translation done at about the same time. Our version will be a translation of Bellenden's version into modern English.
  • The Newgate Calendar -- Supplement 4.
    We have located a further batch of felons in a facsimile of Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences by John Osborn (1735). These will be added to the over 1,100 cases already in our edition. 
  • Our Town, by Patrick Sugrue.
    Generations of Irish schoolchildren have had to read An Baile Seo 'Gainne by "An Seabhac," First published in 1912, it is a collection of humorous or wry sketches and stories. There is however no English translation available -- until ours.  


  Bookplate of Andrew Carnegie, c. 1900

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